It's been three days since I last saw them. 

Three days I've been pining away, wasting away in this deserted land. 

The agony is indescribable. My soul years for them , my eyes search desperately for them. 

I allow my lids to close, concentrate in the silence and slip into a stasis of subconsciousness scarcely sensing the serenity of something…..snowy. 


Dear Diary,

I'm in Ohio in April and it's below freezing outside. Please bring me back to the rainy Pacific shores I cherish deep in my soul. It may be wet but at least I can't see my breath!

Yes, Ohio's flat lands may be dotted with rolling hills, but there is an empty beauty about it. Actually, I am reminded of one principle of ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arranging: "space is beautiful." I assure you in that respect Ohio is abundant in beauty. This small community of Mansfield and its body of faithful Christians have met me with warmth and kindness since I set foot in the Columbus airport on Sunday. Members of the church have rotated hosting our group of 6 teachers for dinner each night and boy do they know how to cook! This week of orientation we are learning about the history, language, cultural faux pas, day-to-day survival skills, Japanese education system and our respective teaching positions, hierarchal structure, and team-building strategies.  Some past teachers, including those who were recently and suddenly evacuated, came to be guest speakers. They are longs days, starting with breakfast at 8am and ending after dinner by 8 or 9pm. All the teachers are hosted by a couple who live next to the sending church which is most convenient. I was given the music room…providentially. I'll happily mention that my bed/couch lies directly across from a 1937 restored Steinway grand piano. There are several musicians on the team and we've entertained ourselves easily in the short hours of freedom we're given. Each morning I have been faithful to don my Under Armor and step out into the frosty morning air at 6:15 and run along the country road until the sun comes up. A sacrifice, but it's for a noble cause considering all the food being prepared for us this week. 

There is a link worth checking out if you click here. This news report highlights the town where I am slated to teach with updated information. 

As for my personal plans, I will travel to my aunt's house in Virginia on Friday and stay for an undetermined amount of time, leaving my luggage secured here in Ohio. As I help with her B&B and keep my Grandpa out of trouble I will focus on spending quality time with my family and wait for the go-ahead from Japan. 

That's all for now, just a short update to keep you in the loop. I just realized I can access the internet here so please Skype me within the next few days!

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