I had this great blog going for you guys. It took about two hours and I was almost done. Yep, just being really descriptive and catching you up on the last bits of summer and the start of a new school term. Unfortunately, I lost all of it. Yep, just one unlucky push of a button and it's all gone. 

Guess what? I am NOT writing it all over again. I'm sorry, but you get the reader's digest version. 

I talked about the new school year. Basically, I'm in gospel choir, writing music for gospel choir, and teaching my first Jr. High class. I taught a small group of 1&2 year olds and their mommies. It was...eventful. No one cried so I'm calling it a success, even though I probably spoke more Japanese than English.

I talked about summer: Rachel and I climbed a mountain and got caught in a huge rainstorm at the top. We played Indiana Jones as we climbed down the mountain holding onto soaked wet ropes. We're going back in the fall to see the changing leaves and a 360 degree view including the East Coast!

I'm disappointed in myself because I'm in the middle of 4 books and can't seem to finish any of them even though I like them all. 

Land leeches.

I signed up for a 10K race and decided to train with Dan in the mornings at 4:45am. Eww....I had a huge epiphany about rice, or rather how much I didn't know about rice and decided to Wikipedia it. Very enlightening. 
I'm no longer running at that ridiculous hour of the morning though. I'm trying to run in the evenings since it's a little cooler out now. 

Wow. It took me two hours to write all of that...imagine how much detail you're missing out on. It even included fireflies.

Well, now that you're all caught up I suppose I can continue with my normal style.
About the weather: this morning it was a bajillion degrees out when Dan and I started out at 7:45 for our "Manri Run" that encircles Mt. Katasone and takes over an hour. We made it, but definitely walked the last mile in fear of passing out from dehydration. It was so hot. I came back and drank a water bottle and a Pocari Sweat. Rachel and I had a nice breakfast consisting of banana walnut pancakes, hashbrowns, and scrambled eggs. I got my checkbook balanced, wrote a blog (well...you know what happened with THAT), had lunch, and skyped my niece. As soon as this freak storm passes I'm going out to pick blueberries. Along the little path we take to work there are several bushes poking out from inbetween the fence that are ripe with little blue delights. I already have a few quarts freezing in my freezer, but I gotta stock up. I go through blueberries like nobody's business. 

I've never really been a fan of them right off the bush. I guess that's why I did well picking them for a summer job as a kid. I never got distracted by eating them from the bush because I prefer to eat them frozen. Not sure why...

Everyone is gone for the day. A Japanese friend has a concert in Koriyama and I decided to take it easy and enjoy the peace and quiet here. 

Okay I'm done. It's so discouraging to lose all that work. My creativeness is giving up for the day. I hope your day is more productiv

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