Takae has been to Tokyo Disney Sea and Disneyland enough times to know that even if you go for a whole day, it's actually a two-day experience because you need the second day to chill out....and that's what we did all day. I got up at 10 and did a whole lot of nothing as I stayed in bed and skyped my parents. I eventually went downstairs and took a shower. A hot breakfast consisting of an egg sunny side up, 3 spicy sausage links, fruit, granola, and green tea was a perfect start to my day. We chatted around the breakfast table and otoosan was eventually convinced that us girls were in no shape to go anywhere today...I almost took a nap right there! We lounged around the living room and I plugged my camera into the flat-screen HDTV to give a slideshow of yesterday's amusement park adventures. Takae showed her pictures after that, so all in all we got a comprehensive replay. We ate some Haagen Daaz. Somewhere in there I took a nap. I woke up and we started to watch "Castle in the Sky," a Miyazaki film I'd not yet seen. In the next room, otoosan and okaasan were bustling away in the kitchen together preparing dinner. We stopped halfway through the film and I was sent on my evening mission: to practice my Japanese by poking my head into ojiisan's room and asking if he wanted sake with dinner. For the past 4 days the answer has always been "yes." I'm beginning to see a trend.

Dinner turned out to be okonomiyaki and takoyaki, some of my favorite foods! I got to practice making takoyaki balls but I was pretty terrible at it. It's a good thing we switched out or else no one would have gotten to eat any takoyaki...I was slow. After some lovely dinner and an epic Best of John Williams soundtrack for background music, we finished the movie and I 
8/6/2011 04:13:51 am

And I what????


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