So last night I went to bed at 2:30 am. No blog. Before you think I stayed up really late, understand that I didn’t get up until 11:30am that day. Yes, I slept 11 hours. I’m pretty sure that’s a record for me! If it’s not a record, then it’s right on par with the time I was jet lagging from my return from the Philippines.

The thing that’s pretty different—and awesome—about coming here for vacation is that the Saito family actually applauds me for sleeping well. When I’m in Washington my mom inevitably wakes me up around 10 am so I’m not “wasting the day away.” Here, the later you sleep the more you needed it and now you’re well again. The last few times I’ve come here I usually get up around 9, unable to sleep any longer. Yesterday at dinner time, Okaasan said, “Yeah, Grandpa thought I should check on you, just in case you were dead!”

Yesterday was the day I vowed to help around the house, right?

Well, after getting up late and eating breakfast (which was really a noon lunch) I felt less guilty because Yuko got up right after me! However, she was studying in her room until 3am…

After a long conversation between the three of us, I decided on a run around town. Despite my plea that I could get lost and find my way back on my own, Yuko gave me a slip of paper that had their address written on it and Japanese that said,

“I can speak Japanese. Please tell me the way to this house.”

It was really cute.

I stuck it in my glove pocket and stepped out into the chilly afternoon air. I started going down a very familiar road, then turned on another road towards the river. I enjoyed a nice view as I ran parallel to the city stream, passing a few bridges and estimating my mileage. I figured if I reached the bridge that led to the train station I could easily get back to the house. I didn’t see the station but I saw a lady and her two kids pulling suitcases, walking across the bridge.

That was a good enough sign for me.

I turned in the direction of home and started taking random roads that seemed good. I passed a familiar structure…then I was in the middle of a housing complex and had no idea. I came out of the complex, ran up a super steep hill, and found a familiar road.

Almost home.

I turned on our street, but quickly realized it was the wrong one. My first impression of this town in summer was that all the houses looked the same. Now, I quickly recognized my error but wasn’t willing to run back up the hill I’d run down. I took a turn, hoping I’d find the right street. I soon found a landmark—the grocery store—and made it safely home. I’d been out over an hour.

When I came inside they were surprised that I’d made it home all by myself without asking for directions!

That’s a win for me.

After taking a nice hot shower and getting dressed, I had a quick snack and went with Okaasan to pick up Takae at the train station. The rest of the night was filled with stories, jokes, and plenty of laughter.

Once again Otoosan made the family vacation schedule and some events changed. Floor waxing has been canceled for this year, and replaced with shoe shopping—what a deal! That’s where Takae and I are off to today J Other events may include Disneyland (featuring kimono-wearing Mickey and Minnie) and onsen. Woot! Of course they were surprised that I’d gone to onsen many times and was okay with not wearing a swimsuit.

Ojiisan said I’m becoming Japanese.

Tonight's yummy dinner!
The purple thing is my computer, and the plaid thing is the foot heater, just to give you a reference.

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