Remember watching that movie, “2012?”

I don’t.

I never saw it.

But, from what I heard it’s about the end of the world. Something about the Mayan calendar being all written out until a specific date in 2012, and when that date occurred the world ripped apart into pieces from ginormous natural disasters. Apparently the Mayans were astute students of the stars and predicted the end of the world to that date---hence, the reason the calendar only reaches to that point. Another theory is that some poor guy charged with writing a 2000-year calendar by carving it into stone got bored and figured no one from his clan would be living to know the difference so he stopped.

Well, imagine our surprise when we got ourselves all cleaned up after breakfast and drove over an hour to the relatives’ house. While eating our expensive sushi lunches everything started to shake, ushering the New Year in with a 7.0 earthquake. Actually, it only registered a 4 on a scale of 0-7 were we were located, but it was still a little creepy watching the branches sway outside…and on the plants inside.

This would fit very nicely into the Mayan conspiracy theory…only because it’s just that. A conspiracy. Japan has earthquakes every day.

In the interest of time I’m going to shorten things up a bit.

We ate expensive sushi. Like this:

Grandma was especially nice and gifted us all with some money. It’s a tradition usually reserved for children, not working adults. I guess we lucked out this year because Ojiichan gave us some money too! On top of that, some different relatives visited us on the 2nd, and THOSE relatives gave us money as well!!! I was super surprised.

On the 2nd, Yuko and I joined Otoosan for a morning run and spent the rest of the day eating, cleaning a little, napping, and visiting with the relatives. We busted out the karaoke set and I was surprised to see a long list of English songs….all nursery rhymes! Oh yes, from Old MacDonald to Twinkle Twinkle to Oh, Susannah! to the Hokey Pokey, the selection was astounding. I lucked out enough to find Ave Maria (which I sang in my most obnoxious tenor voice) and The Ants Go Marching. We had fun. More fun was to be had when they were getting ready to go, after we played one round of spoons. I taught them the game but it turned out most of them knew it. Well, one round of 4 girls turned into 15 rounds of the entire family grabbing (you guessed it) mikkans from the center of the table.

. . . . . . 

At the moment we’re selecting articles to take with us to Disneyland tomorrow. Got to go to bed for the big day!!!

1/3/2012 01:43:19 pm

The Myan Calendar ends in the END of 2012 is the end of time. ;-) glad you are all safe, and had a good time!


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